Crassula Horn
Crassula ovata, commonly known as jade plant, friendship tree, lucky plant, money plant or money tree, is a succulent plant with small pink or white flowers. It is native to South Africa and Mozambique, and is common as a houseplant worldwide. Much of its popularity stems from the low levels of care needed; the jade plant requires little water and can survive in most indoor conditions. It is sometimes referred to as the money tree; however
AED 35.00Add to cart
Crassula Ovata
Crassula ovata, commonly known as jade plant, friendship tree, lucky plant, money plant or money tree, is a succulent plant with small pink or white flowers. It is native to South Africa and Mozambique, and is common as a houseplant worldwide.
AED 40.00Add to cart
Crassula Sunset
Jade plant is also considered a lucky symbol/sign for money. Its other names are “Money Plant,” ” Dollar Plant,” “Lucky Plant,” and “Friendship Plant.
AED 40.00Add to cart
Although the shrubs look elegant and refined, they are not at all picky about soil as long as it is well drained.
If you are growing crepe jasmine, you can plant the shrubs in full sun or partial shade. They require regular irrigation to keep the soil moist. Once the root systems are established, they require less water.
AED 90.00Add to cart
Croton Branched ‘Real Feel’
Croton Branched
The plants in this section are not ‘variety’ or ‘species’ related. They are grouped due to their ability to ‘stand alone’ as a feature plant of distinction, whether as a foliage plant, bonsai (miniaturized tree) or topiary (shaped tree). Each has a distinctive profile, (shape), foliage colour or texture.
AED 1,600.00Add to cart
Evergreen lime-green foliage stands out wonderfully as a centrepiece of a flower bed, in a patio container, or even grown as a low hedge. Cupressus ‘Goldcrest’ is a truly versatile plant and will certainly earn its place in any scheme.
Plant out cypress an any well drained soil in full sun and provide shelter from strong, drying winds. If container grown, use a good quality soil based compost .
AED 65.00Add to cart
Cycas Palm ‘Real Feel’
Cycas Palm ‘Real Feel’
Palms are among the best known and most extensively cultivated plant families. They have been important to humans throughout much of history. Many common products and foods are derived from palms, and palms are also widely used as ornamentals, making them one of the most economically important plants.
Palms are very distinctive but are available in 2 basic forms, as a feature tree with a characteristic trunk, or as a multi-stem plant, both very popular for indoor applications.
AED 400.00Add to cart
Cyclamen Purple ‘Real Feel’
Cyclamen Purple ‘Real Feel’
The flowering plants (angiosperms), are the most diverse group of land plants. The first flowering plants known to exist are from 160 million years ago. They diversified enormously during the Lower Cretaceous and became widespread around 120 million years ago. It is generally assumed that the function of flowers, from the start, was to involve animals in their reproduction processes.
By so doing plants greatly improved their reproductive efficiency and genetic diversity. Many animals contribute, insects, birds, bats monkey’s etc. interestingly red flowers will be pollinated by animals that can see ‘red’ in the spectrum, (like birds and monkeys). Rarely will they be pollinated by insects which can see ultraviolet, but not red.
AED 100.00Add to cart
Davallia Fern ‘Real Feel’
Davallia Fern
We classify ‘filler plants’ as small plants typically used to cover the soil, either alone or in combination with ‘feature plants’.
These plants have been carefully selected once again, taking into account their ‘realistic’ appearance and feel. We have also ensured that different leaf textures, scale and colour (including degrees of green) are represented to give a wide and interesting choice. This selection would also play an important role in the development of green walls.
AED 50.00Add to cart
Deseret rose
Plant lovers are always looking for easy to grow, unique plants with a fun aspect. Adenium desert rose plants are perfect specimens for the intrepid or novice gardener. These East African and Arabian natives are wonderful in the interior container garden or as warm climate additions to the patio display. Caring for desert rose plants requires a full sun location and well-drained soil. Properly mimicking their native regional conditions will garner plenty of rose-like blooms on an architectural marvel of a plan
AED 45.00Add to cart
Diffenbachia Camila
Dieffenbachia is one of the easiest indoor houseplants to grow — and one of the most common indoor plants. This tropical shrub shows off lush leaves that are usually marked in shades of cream, yellow, or white, making dieffenbachia a top pick for brightening dim corners indoors. Dieffenbachia adds fun color and texture without flowers.
- Light. Most dumb cane plants prefer a medium to bright light source. …
- Water. The best way to water your dumbcane is to let it get moderately dry and then completely drench the soil. …
- Soil. Like many houseplants, dieffenbachia plants need a soil that retain some water but also drain well. …
- Fertilizer.
AED 30.00Add to cart
Diffenbachia Camila with small fiber Cement Pot
One number of Diffenbachia camila 25 cm ht plant arranged in small fiber cement pot with soil mixtures
AED 75.00Add to cart
Diffenbachia Tropic snow
Plant care
Light: Bright but filtered or diffused sunlight is sufficient to ensure healthy growth of this plant (near bright east or south window).
Water: Water regularly and thoroughly because infrequent watering can cause leaves of your dieffenbachia to become brown and unattractive.
Water, then allow the soil to drain and empty excess water. This is necessary to prevent root rot.
A well-draining potting mixture should be used. Let the soil dry out to about an inch down before you water again. Drooping yellow leaves may be a sign of overwatering.
Temperature: The ideal temperature range for growing a Tropic Snow Dumb Cane is 70 to 80 degree.
Fahrenheit during the day, and 60 to 65 degree at night. Plant can tolerate 50 degrees Fahrenheit without damage but avoid cold drafts. If plants becomes too cold, the leaves will turn yellow and droop.
AED 145.00Add to cart
Dodonaea viscosa green
The hop bush has an excellent, natural shape and seldom requires pruning. Only prune hop bush to reduce its size or to remove dead or damaged foliage in the spring. Water deeply once a month in the summer, and rely on rainfall in the winter.
AED 15.00Add to cart
Dracaena Compacta
A Dracaena compacta plant grows best in medium light. In low light area they grow very slowly or not at all, tend to lose bottom leaves, and are easily over-watered. Rotate dracaenas weekly so that they don’t grow toward the light, become one sided, and lose their beautiful shape..
Like other indoor houseplants, a Dracaena compacta uses less water in low light than in brighter light. Keep the plant on the dry side to prevent root rot and Leaf Spot Disease. Allow the top ¾ of the soil to dry out before watering. In low light this could be two weeks or more. Compacta plants do better when watered on a regular schedule. Brown tips usually indicate too much too much chlorine or fluorine in the water. Muddy brown leaf tips on new growth means the plant needs more water.
Dracaena Compacta plants like warm room temperatures (60-75°F/16-24°C). Cold winter drafts and heaters can damage the leaves.
AED 210.00Add to cart
Dracaena Fragrans Massangana
The Dracaena fragrans ‘Massangeana’ plant, also known as the corn plant, is made up of shiny green leaves that have a yellow streak running down the center of the leaves. Most Dracaena fragrans ‘Massangeana’ are grown indoors in pots and are relatively low-maintenance plants. These tropical plants don’t handle cold temperatures well.
AED 90.00Add to cart
Dracaena Janet craig
Name: Dracaena deremensis ‘Janet Craig’
Janet Craig is one of the most popular Draceanas used indoors, likely due to it’s ability to grow in low light and tolerate considerable dryness.
It is a medium sized Draceana, usually planted with 3 to 5 stalks per pot. It’s leaves are dark green, approximately 2 feet in length and about 3 inches wide, and cascade downward gently from the stalk.
The “Compacta” variety is, like its name suggests, is a compact smaller version, growing about only 1 foot tall with small leaves tight to the stalk.
The temperature requirements for Janet Craig is a comfortable 75 degrees and the water requirements are low. Dracaenas are one of the plants used in the NASA Clean Air Study and has shown to help remove Formaldehyde.
The wide leaves on Dracaenas can and do accumulate dust. Wipe leaves down regularly with a damp cloth to remove dust. Although most Dracaenas have few problems with pest, occasionally mealy bug and scale can attack the plant.
If you’re ready to discover the inside scope on Dracaena care check out this special Dracaena care guide. Grab this special care guide on Dracaeas today.
AED 210.00Add to cart
Dracaena Jannet Craig -3pp ‘Real Feel’
Dracaena Jannet Craig -3pp
The plants in this section are not ‘variety’ or ‘species’ related.
They are grouped due to their ability to ‘stand alone’ as a feature plant of distinction, whether as a foliage plant, bonsai (miniaturized tree) or topiary (shaped tree). Each has a distinctive profile, (shape), foliage colour or texture.
AED 700.00Add to cart
Dracaena Marginata
Dracaena marginata plants can be used as table plants but they are especially impressive as tall trees with multiple canes and hundreds of long thin green leaves trimmed in dark red.
AED 110.00Add to cart
Dracaena Reflexa- Song of India
Temperature: The ideal temperatures are between 60°F (15°C) – 80°F (27°C). Allowing temperatures to go below 55°F/12°C can harm the plant. Avoid having a plant sitting near cold drafts.
Light:A brightly lit spot without direct sunshine is suggested. A small amount of morning or evening sun is not a problem.
Watering: would try and keep the soil slightly moist at all times and in the winter allow the soil to dry. You should be able to leave a dracaena reflexa for up to a month during winter without water and no harm would be caused. Over-watering can kill these.
AED 1,235.00Add to cart
Dracaena Rikki
water the plant deeply and then allow the soil to drain thoroughly. Allow the top 2 inches of potting mixture to dry before the next watering. Dracaena “Rikki” benefits from a monthly feeding during spring and summer, using a standard liquid fertilizer for indoor plants. No fertilizer is advised during fall and winter
AED 210.00Add to cart
Dracaena Song of India Branched ‘Real Feel’
Dracaena Song of India Branched
The plants in this section are not ‘variety’ or ‘species’ related.
They are grouped due to their ability to ‘stand alone’ as a feature plant of distinction, whether as a foliage plant, bonsai (miniaturized tree) or topiary (shaped tree). Each has a distinctive profile, (shape), foliage colour or texture.
AED 1,600.00Add to cart
Dracaena White stripe
A house plant which has wonderful foliage. Dracaena ‘White Stripe’ (Dracaena fragrans) is a sensational variety with very distinctive dark green leaves streaked with white.
- The sharp contrasting stripes make this an attractive plant for the home.
- Stand your Dracaena in a light spot out of direct sunlight.
- Dracaena are wonderful house plants that originate from Africa and southern Asia. The name comes from the Ancient Greek meaning ‘female dragon’.
- These easy-to-care-for house plants are long living and they also purify the air, meaning they are good for your health!
- These have thick, robust stems.
- Easy to care for.
- Do not allow to stand too long in water. Water regularly but allow to partially dry out before watering again.
- Protect from frost.
- You will receive 3 plants in one pot with varied stem heights 90, 60 and 30 cm.
- Delivery height 130-150 cm,
AED 210.00Add to cart
Dracaena White Stripe -3pp ‘Real Feel’
Dracaena White Stripe -3pp
The plants in this section are not ‘variety’ or ‘species’ related.
They are grouped due to their ability to ‘stand alone’ as a feature plant of distinction, whether as a foliage plant, bonsai (miniaturized tree) or topiary (shaped tree). Each has a distinctive profile, (shape), foliage colour or texture.
AED 700.00Add to cart
durant erecta (sapphire shower)
The “Sapphire Showers” golden dewdrop (Duranta erecta “Sapphire Showers”) adds interest to the landscape with its clusters of bluish-purple, trumpet-shaped flowers. Flowers appear in summer and attract butterflies. Also known as Picotee sky flower or pigeonberry, this fast-growing specimen prefers full sunlight and well-draining, slightly acidic soils.
AED 60.00Add to cart